On these pages in the pictures under this text you can check the timetable and prices for the connection of the ticket for the ferry to Valbiska (Krk) - Lopar (Rab) 2019 for the carrier Jadrolinija in the period from 01.06. - 30.09.2019 when the timetable passes to the summer cruise line. All information is downloaded from the Jadrolinija.hr website and are accurate, but only valid for 2019. For other years, please visit Jadrolinija official website for official prices. All links are on local lines on the Adriatic, between Croatian cities and islands. The cruise line refers to the summer part of the tourist season when you regularly drive ferries to all major islands in the Adriatic. We also bring prices for each of the ferry connections. Apart from the ferry, there are catamaran lines connecting Pula, Susak, Mali Lošinj, Unije, Ilovik, Silba and Zadar. Lopar is a tourist resort on the northern side of the island of Rab known for its sandy beaches. See beaches in Lopar on the island of Rab. The one-way journey lasts for 80 minutes,

Rab Krk cruises and prices
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