Bay Cintinera is hiding on the beach of the same name. Some call Centinera, but it is the same beach, the one in Pula that looks at the island of Frašker. The beach is spacious, with gravel and is very beautiful. It is popular, and is increasingly visited year after year. It was also contributed by the rich offer of nearby restaurants as well as the large number of tourist accommodation. The beach itself is made of gravel, with a large concrete mullet in the middle, and a little behind there are tall pine branches. There is plenty of shade here, and in case you did not find your favorite place in the shade, we suggest you arrive at a cafe or restaurant. The offer of meals and drinks is excellent, and the view from the terrace will rest and the most daunting ones. In the seabed there is an amusement park - an excellent place for children and younger guests.
The hotel same name is located on the beach itself. Hotel centinera, located 6 kilometers south of Pula, has 151 rooms and an indoor swimming pool. More information can be found at

Centeria hotel Banjole
The hotel same name is located on the beach itself. Hotel centinera, located 6 kilometers south of Pula, has 151 rooms and an indoor swimming pool. More information can be found at

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