The beach is located at the outskirts of Tribanj, a few kilometers from Starigrad Paklenica. It is made of gravel and is covered with clean waters of the Adriatic Sea. It's a big beach, quite popular and full during the season. The most common guests of the beach are the nearby campers from the Navis camp, which is located in the wooded area between the beach and the road. And this beach is very close to the Adriatic highway. It's easy to reach her, even if you're on the run. If you plan to spend the whole day on the beach, you can bring the necessary items with you, but you can also enjoy a holiday at a nearby cafe or restaurant. This is a great place to spend all-day beach holidays. If you already love camping, then we strongly recommend that you visit Navis Camp, and enjoy the Tribuna and more than a day.

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