If you are on the road to the Coast of Queen Jelene, and you reach the very end, there will be another beach in Bibinje. This is the beach of Punta, on the small peninsula that forms a bay with the coastline, more precisely the shelter for boats in the marina. The beach is not isolated, which means that you have a lot of choice for rest, recreation or to sit in a local cafe and refresh yourself with a drink. Nearby are many clubs that work late into the night, suitable for guests staying for several days. Bibinjci will host you as well as fair hosts, treat yourself to gourmet dishes and show you how to enjoy the sea. When you swim, after you have been warmed and dried, we suggest you to take a leisurely stroll along the small path around the marina. Enjoy the beautiful boats floating in the blue colors of our sea. Close to this beach there is also a diving club, so if you do not dive it is a chance to learn.
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Plaža Punta, ili kako je Bibinjci nazivaju Kraju Punte jer najpoznatija i najpopularnija plaža u Bibinjama. Plaža je šljunčana, a od sadržaja na plaži tu je Bibano bar, nekoliko kućica za piće, sladolede, palačinke, kukuruze i jedan fast food. Za one željne sportskih aktivnosti tu su dva terena za odbojku na pijesku na kojima se ljeti povremeno održavaju i turniri. Osim toga na raspolaganju su vam i skuteri za vodu i banane za najam odmah ispod Bibano bara.
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